Replay från föreläsningen den 27 september 2023
Systems for Breakfast
Stories for systemtransformation
Med Katrice Horsley
Hur kan vi använda berättelser för att skifta system? På vilket sätt kan vi stärka förnyelsekapciteten genom att göra oss alla till bättre berättare. Katrice Horsley guidar oss in i systemförnyelse genom att dela berättelser och visa hur vi själva kan bli bättre på att fånga och återberätta berättelser om förnyelse vi är med om. Kom och låt dig inspireras!

Katrice Horsley is an award winning storyteller and international narrative consultant. She has over 40 years of experience in the field of training design and delivery and has developed a unique narrative-based approach to create transformative change in organisations, communities and individuals.She believes that social action begins with the sharing of stories and that social change begins when those involved decide on the same shared ending. Through a range of experiential story-based processes, Katrice uncovers the key foundational narratives that exist behind the systems that are in place and then deconstructs these to a granular level, so that people understand their function and importance within the meta-narrative of the systems we inhabit.
She is passionate about engaging with people who are regarded as ’peripheral’ to the mainstream and providing them with a process and platform through which they can share and value their stories. For without each voice being present and each story being valued, no system will be representative of those it aims to serve.
Katrice’s website: