Systems for breakfast från fredagen den 15 december
Moral imagination for systems change
med Phoebe Tickell
Kom och låt dig inspireras av Phoebe Tickell som driver systemförnyelse i Camden utanför London. Och hör om vår Studieresa i februari som är öppen för anmälan.
Läs mer om resan här :

Phoebe Tickell – renegade scientist, systems thinker and social entrepreneur
Phoebes website :
Moral imaginations website :
About Phoebe Tickell
Phoebe is a biologist and systems thinker developing methodologies and approaches suited for a better world. She works across multiple societal contexts applying a complexity and systems thinking lens and has worked in organisational design, advised government, the education sector and the food and farming sector. Until 2021 she was working in philanthropy at The National Lottery Community Fund to implement systems-thinking approaches to funding and and leading insight and learning in the £12.5 million Digital Fund.
Phoebe has been a scientist, educator and systems entrepreneur. Since the age of 22, she has co-founded a series of organisations dedicated to systems change via innovative approaches. She has a first class degree in Biological Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, and she brings this training in understanding biological networks and systems thinking into governance, organisational structures, narratives and imagination.
Phoebe has been invited to share on her diverse projects and experience and unique perspectives on the world as a lecturer, workshop facilitator and keynote speaker globally. She has taught and presented in India, Singapore, Dubai, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and North America, and has been called a “voice of the emerging future” and “one of the most important systems thinkers of her generation”.